Reasons Why People Pay School Fees for Their Patners

Reasons Why People Pay School Fees for Their patners


There have been so many people who made the decision of taking back their lovers to school. Some end up well, while some, you know, fail.


It is absolutely not a bad idea to pay school fees for your partner. Infact, it’s always good when both of you are learned and can make sober decisions together. After all, having a high education level is always a plus in the relationship.


However, some men don’t like the idea of women having higher qualifications than them. It is quite unfortunate that most men think women who are highly educated are proud and disrespectful.


Men like having the voice in everything, including having high education status. With the evolving century, women empowerment has seen women enrolling to courses that were only known for men. Also, some men have reinforced the idea of schooling girlchild by taking their girlfriends to school, and fully paying the school fees.


Why do people pay school fees for their lovers?


People make the dire decision of taking their women to school with various reasons. These reasons include:


To show love

Love can be shown in different ways, and among them is by paying school fees for your lover. There are different love languages, and everyone is entitled to one or two.


One would take his or her lover to school just to appreciate the lover, show love and even express their affection.


Sees a future with you

Paying school fees for a lover is an investment. Most people do it when they see a future with you.


Increasing your partner’s education level will enable both of you to grow together. Also, escalating education level means more future opportunities for your relationship/marriage.


Wants you to be independent

Women empowerment has created spaces for women to elevate their status in the society. And men have joined to scale the empowerment even higher by schooling their partners.


Your partner might take you to school so that you may be independent and productive on your own. So that even when anything happens, you still can support yourself.


Social status

High education level in the society is a label that everyone yearns. A man who has schooled up to higher levels will always want to have his wife to be on the same level.






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