Why Long-Distance Relationships Are Always Meant to Fail

I was having a small talk with a friend and it somehow slid into a relationship colloquy. mysteriously, the lady had Been dating this guy who is in a different country for 6 months now. They have not met physically yet, but video call and text each other whenever their time zones align.

In the 6 months though, the lady says it hasn’t been a walk in the park for obvious reasons that long-distance relationships come with.

It is at this point that the common street adage echoed, “long-distance relationship can only work if the four of you are happy.” It has been a common phenomenon in the digital age, especially with the influx of dating apps.

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 35% of young people have some type of online relationship, such as flirting, expressing interest, or asking someone out. However, such relationship tends to end even before they meet physically.

One of the most obvious drawbacks of long-distance relationships is the lack of physical intimacy. Seemingly, people whose love language is physical touch get hit the most by this parameter.

Safer to put it out there, physical intimacy is not only about sex, but also about cuddling, kissing, holding hands, and other forms of affection that make us feel loved and secure.

Physical intimacy is also important for our health and well-being, as it releases hormones like oxytocin and dopamine that reduce stress, boost mood, and strengthen the bond between partners. Without physical intimacy, long-distance relationships can feel cold, distant, and unsatisfying.

It is at this point when bestie bestie gets into the picture to save the dryspell.

Like any stable relationship, communication is always the foundation. keeping tabs with your significant other is essential for any relationship, but especially for long-distance ones, where there are more opportunities for misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflicts.

Communication in long-distance relationships relies heavily on technology, such as texting, calling, video chatting, and social media. However, technology can also create problems, such as delays, glitches, distractions, and privacy issues.

It is a bit sad that even though there is advancement in technology, it can never fully replace face-to-face communication, which conveys more information through body language, tone of voice, and eye contact.

Communication in long-distance relationships can also be affected by time zones, schedules, and availability, making it hard to find a convenient and consistent time to talk.

It is essential to put trust on your partner. It is the foundation of any relationship, but it is especially crucial for long-distance ones, where there is less visibility and accountability. Trust in long-distance relationships requires a lot of faith, honesty, and commitment from both partners.

However, trust can also be easily broken or eroded by doubts, fears, insecurities, and temptations. For example, one partner might wonder what the other partner is doing, who they are with, or if they are being faithful. One partner might also feel lonely or bored and seek attention or validation from someone else. Trust issues can lead to jealousy, resentment, anger, and betrayal in long-distance relationships.

Mr. Ogonji is a highly professional and talented journalist with a solid experience in covering compelling stories, reporting facts, and engaging audiences. He is driven to uncover the truth behind today's most pressing issues and share stories that make a genuine impact.

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