Hitting below the belt
That Feeling,I wouldn’t know how the other person feels but it warms my heart, assumingly, but how warm can warm be anyway. Love, it is. A word often thrown about because of the magic and the unthinkable it does to one. Just the other week, I greeted my crush and now even as I write this piece my heart skips a bit, I wish I could get time to describe her. Her love for good scent is evident with the distinct cologne of ‘Si’. I mean this lass was just something else. How can one forget such?The whole place seems to smell like her. Was it Lust?Or just the same feeling that I can’t seem to explain. Whatever it was it got me real hard. Still in a daze, things just seem to put themselves in place, one moment she’s my crush the next moment I’m breaching my own safety to please some stranger. Woah! The same feeling taking charge such that I don’t have any other option to give in to it’s demands.
I’m not so much into movies, the typical me often dozes off the moment Netflix’s “Tudun!” sound hits the speakers, however, I can’t do that currently because I have to pay keen attention to each movie that she recommends, in fact, I watch the trailers first before the full episodes. The other time I tried to play cool that I’m a pro at backstroke and butterfly styles, it just earned me another hard time watching YouTube swimming tutorials laced with Indian accent because I don’t have an option, please pray for me to succeed before Friday afternoon, I’d rather drown and gulp gallons of water than admit my unskillfulness.
Diverting a bit from my own experiences, I go overboard and rekindle on last month’s valentine stories. 14th February was the most anticipated day, everyone talked about it across, from the most central point of Nairobi’s CBD through the most interior part of Kamyamkago Village to Timbuktu. On that day, my neighborhood was all red. It’s on that day that there was a replica of what happened in Noah’s time; walking in pairs. Most of us felt love on air, except for the single descendants of Adam who resorted to consolation quotes like “It will end in tears,” not to forget the deadbeat fathers and heartbroken fellas who opted for the delusional Men’s conference. All in all, love conquered.
On the contrary, on the same day, the local man made several promises and vows that until now he still can’t figure out how he did that. The moment Jezebel’s daughter had her palms on his chest, he immediately surrendered to nature to take its course and in the meantime gave out a title deed, two ATM cards, a brand new Jeep SRT and promised to sell his left kidney. Another local man, even with the help of Schneider’s Principle and dydx formula still can’t comprehend how he spent millions in hours. He says it was love but still can’t still figure out how. In one voice, local men are ‘unable to can.’
Is it love or trying to impress someone? They say that love is blind, but never heard that it’s stupid. Trying out new things and being compassionate isn’t that bad, going out your way and doing extra isn’t as well, but why should you do that to a life’s expense? Be conscious every time, that’s the secret. Look man, I wasn’t born a preacher and so don’t make me one, just do your thing and never seek sympathy from us.