Good evening babe☺
Well I’m certain you haven’t met me but since we are gonna spend some time or maybe a life time together there are a couple of things I should lay off..
So to the man I’ll marry…
5% or maybe 95% of the time you desire to marry a queen or maybe a princess..
But in this context babe… I’m more of Anabelle 😏
I don’t fancy dresses…heels and a walk in the park 😏
I’m more of a let’s stay at home and order some pizza☺
You’ll probably ask me to accompany you to your meeting and seek my opinion on your projects
But I have this rehearsals in head…on how I’m just gonna smile and say “you are right babe… You don’t need to seek a second opinion”
Reason being… From my childhood I wasn’t taught to be vocal enough
I confided my words in a cage and swallowed a lump in my throat.. For the better.
And on some days if not all days you’ll get the urge to file for a divorce cause babe.. I’m a whole Lotta things☺☺ and you’ll feel frustrated I know 😁
On days like those… I’d be a 5 and you’ll be a 95..I know I won’t be able to meet you half way.. And I’m gonna drain every ounce of energy you got…
But babe…
I will support your dream☺…i mean I’ll make you breakfast in the morning and tell you… “Go kick some ass”❤
And if love was a pill… I will swallow a whole pharmacy and drown in each tablet…
For you❤
And I’m sure we will have third…fourth and maybe fifth parties 😂
But babe… I will nurture each one of them…
I might not be a princess or a queen
But maybe a title just above it❤