My little king
Dear son. I haven’t met you yet but the moment I heard I was having you, I started tickling. I was already happy to be your mom. My one and only thought was to keep you safe from harm. When I saw the blue shreds, I admit I was scared. Scared of raising a king in this world. Scared that the world will blind you from your destiny. Then I remembered, the One who knew you before birth will guide your path. I cried to God about your well-being and He reminded me that He is the Alpha and Omega. You will be safe in His loving arms.

I thought about your first steps and your future wife. The man I raise will be respectful and honorable. The pintsize fist that I held for the time, will protect his woman and provide at any cost. Child, when you are ready to love, let her know how beautiful she is, even when that grey hair pops up. I know she will respect you because you will also create space for her, that you will be the last one to speak. You will listen to her and she will let you lead. And when your friends start to call you for their weddings, hold no petty for loneliness because when you are ready, God will guide you. Baby, be patient and avoid insecure women who will only thirst for your pocket but they will want your soul in the slum too.

People will find their evil ways to prevent you from what God has purposed you to do. They will try to steal your crown but God designed you to be a king who will rise a kingdom. Remember, you are God’s masterpiece, they will throw stones to your shinny grace. The truth is, we are designed to heal. I will raise a man who will only kneel for God. I will be proud of you because your bright mind will be the light that the world needs. The phrase ‘boys will always be boys’ is not for you because you are a man and when God blesses you with ‘little cubs’, love them as if it is the only thing you have done right. I know they will learn to stand for themselves because a king raised them.keep them in God’s word and remember when you are left to take care of them, you are not baby sitting,you are being a dad.