Access Over 17 Free United Nations Gender Equality Courses (Certificates Available)

The United Nations is spearheading a transformative initiative to drive gender equality through education.

Recognizing the pivotal role of knowledge in this mission, the UN has launched a series of free courses aimed at fostering understanding, awareness, and action in the realm of gender equality.

Whether you’re a student, activist, educator, or simply someone passionate about making a difference, these courses offer invaluable insights and tools to propel positive change.

Here’s a comprehensive list to get you started:

  1. I Know Gender 1-2-3: Gender Concepts to get Started
  2. Women’s access to justice explainer video
  3. Using Gender Statistics: A Toolkit for Training Data Users
  4. e-Toolkit on Gender Equality in Education
  5. Mainstreaming Gender in Voluntary National Reviews
  6. Adolescent Girls’ Agency, Safety, and Wellbeing Playlist
  7. E-Learning on Gender Statistics (Arabic)
  8. UNICEF Gender Equality Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action Playlist with Interactive Game
  9. SDG Indicator 5.a.1 – Equal tenure rights for women on agricultural land
  10. eGovernment for Women Online Toolkit
  11. How to Communicate HIV
  12. Abortion in Argentina: conceptual and operational tools for the full implementation of Law 27,610. Second Litter.
  13. Co-responsible masculinities – Promoting the participation of men in care work.
  14. Journalistic Coverage of the Right to Legal Abortion
  15. Digital gender violence. Approaches from the ESI
  16. Men and Masculinity (ES)
  17. Introduction to feminist communication

Explore more free gender related courses on the UN Women platform here, , Visit UNFPA website or visit the UN SDG:Learn website here to delve deeper into the world of gender equality and sustainable development.

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