College Students Leading the Way: Embracing Modern Trends in Renewable Energy
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Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world as the world strives to reduce emissions and global warming. The world’s population is growing, and the demand for energy is increasing. This has led to a shift towards renewable energy sources that are sustainable and have minimal environmental impacts.
The adoption of modern trends in renewable energy is essential, and college students aged 18-25 should take the lead in embracing these new sustainable energy sources.
Renewable energy technologies are a diverse and fast-growing industry, with new technologies emerging every day. These technologies include solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass, which are popular with college students. The recent trends in renewable energy have triggered innovative developments that have the potential to transform the renewable energy sector across the globe.
Solar energy is one of the most popular renewable energy sources among colleges. Advances in solar technology, coupled with reduced installation costs, have made the transition to solar energy easier and more favourable than using paraffin and kerosene, which contribute significantly to carbon emissions to the atmosphere and result in the greenhouse effect that eventually destroys the ozone layer. Solar energy is a clean and reliable source of energy that can be harnessed by college students to meet their energy needs.
Even though Hydropower has been used as renewable energy source, the transformation has yet to meet the threshold. The energy is collected from falling or flowing water to generate electricity, and it is a clean and reliable source with minimal environmental impacts. College students should adopt small hydropower turbines and install them in rivers, cataracts, and cascades where water bodies are permanent.
Biomass energy is also gaining popularity among college students. Biomass systems use organic matter to produce biogas or biomass pellets that are used to generate electricity. Biomass is used in other countries across the globe to reduce carbon emissions, and individual students can also use products made from organic waste such as fruit peels and wood chips to facilitate the change. College students should embrace this recent trend to reduce carbon emissions and meet their energy needs.
Making use of local wind, westerly wind, harmattan winds, and monsoon wind that emanates from coastlines can be beneficial in the whole country and across the globe. Windmills are kept in an open place to avoid being deflated by obstacles such as tall buildings and trees and tapped to be used as an alternative for electric power. College students should embrace recent trends to end power instability around industries, organizations, and homes.
Geothermal energy, which is a result of radioactivity beneath the crust due to heavy material overlying the crust that contributes to isostasy. As the si-al and si-ma try to be in an equilibrium point, hot gases due to high pressure escape through the crevice to the surface. College students should identify such prone places to isostasy to make use of geothermal energy, which is a clean and reliable source of energy.
College students should take the lead in the adoption of modern trends in renewable energy due to its availability, accessibility, efficiency, and affordability. The adoption of sustainable energy sources will reduce carbon emissions and promote a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations.