It’s been more than three months now since the COVID-19 pandemic hit us and one thing that I have observed is that our lives have changed, for the better and for the worst depending on how we want to view it. So many things have been put on hold and the plans that we had made for ourselves have been unplanned because all that we want to do right now is to remain alive and safe.
One thing has stood out for me in my observation, the fact that so many of us if not all of us are ALWAYS complaining about how the pandemic has taken so much from us. Our daily life normalcy, hustles, schools, friends, families, places of worship, partying, human relations and connections not to mention our freedom.
All I get to hear about this, these days is how people feel stuck at home with nothing to do, how sleeping and staying indoors is boring (I still don’t understand how anyone can find sleeping boring, mahn too much or not, this is sleep we are talking about) how life without partying sucks, how eating the same food is tiring, how not being “laid” is bad for the soul among other so many complains.
However much the pandemic has affected us, I want to remind everyone out there that there is always, always something to be grateful for. Let’s take a moment and remind ourselves how blessed we are despite the challenges that we are facing due to COVID-19. The simple fact of us being alive at this point in time when others have lost their lives due to Corona and other illnesses is something to be grateful for.
Nothing in life is guaranteed and that’s why when we wake up each day with good health we ought to focus on such small favors bestowed on us by the Almighty.
Be grateful that you have food in your plate everyday even if that means eating the same meal throughout the week. As it is, the pandemic has affected our economy and at the moment it’s hard to afford every luxury that we could afford before. Accept the fact that you can’t always have everything that you desire, so if it is Ugali (cooked maize flour) and eggs that you can afford then eat it graciously and do not be an ingrate at any given time because other people are sleeping hungry every day for not being able to afford a simple decent meal.

Being stuck at home and not being able to go out from time and again is not interesting at all. Even so, do we bring ourselves to think how not having a home at all feels like? The other day as I was watching news, I could feel the grievance of the people of Kariobangi and Ruai who were forced to vacate their homes and were left with no roofs over their heads. Small children were sleeping outside in the cold with no cozy blankets to provide them warmth let alone a bed to sleep on. At the same time I cannot imagine what the streets children are going through during this pandemic, it must be really tough for them.
It saddens my heart that all we do is complain of how things are not okay and we forget that we are so lucky to be alive and with the basic needs at our disposal. How about we look at this pandemic from the positive side now that the negative is very evident, let’s take advantage of the current situation and get to know ourselves better. Let’s work on our emotional intelligence by testing how we respond to ideas and situations. Take time and check on your personal progress since the year started. Make time for a new activity each day whether it includes meditation, working out, reading a book, an article or learning a new skill.
COVID-19 is not the first pandemic to hit the world and it will not be the last. However long it will stay one thing is for sure, it will come to pass. After all, nothing is permanent in this life right? So why worry so much? Relax, stay indoors, maintain social distance when outdoors, wash hands and sanitize from time to time and put into action all the guidelines provided so as to prevent the further spread of the virus. Remember to always stay positive and affirm positivity in your environment because by doing so, the mind will be able to perceive the good vibes, the heart will believe it thus making life easy during the pandemic. Any time that you feel like complaining about a thing or two, just look around you and count your blessings because others are in a more difficult situation than you’re.