Relationships, Friendships and situationships are a very crucial relations that exist among humans. It is natural that we all need one another for co-existence as the phrase ‘No man is an island’ is normally used to justify just how significant these type of relations are. As a matter of fact so many of us are willing to stay in toxic ‘ships’ so as to not end up alone. And sometimes I can’t help but wonder are human relations are necessity especially if it is a toxic one?!
Have you ever found yourself dealing with toxic relationships, Friendships or even situationship? The latter being worse because you likely do not even know where you stand in the other person’s life, not that it is my business to address really for we all choose that which we think is good for us at all times. Anyway, let’s go back to how so many of us are willing to cope up with toxicity in our day to day lives with the people that we love and care about all in the name of what exactly?! Brings us back to human relations. I’m certain that we all have found ourselves dealing with toxic partners, friends, family members or even those “friends with benefits”. Some of us may still be dealing with it because either we are too scared to end up alone or we have chosen to ignore the negativity at the expense of our peace of mind.
Before you start defending your relations or convincing yourself how you are not surrounded by negativity, let me break it down for you, first things first, toxicity comes in many forms. Do you remember how your partner would always find faults in you despite you trying to make things work out, how he or she would not appreciate you for who you are and would always suggest or for the ones who have the nerves will command that you change a thing or two for them to find it pleasing, how your so called “friends would find ways to criticize, condemn and complain about your moves and achievements, how they would talk behind your back and laugh in your face, how they would make you feel bad for taking care of yourself first before taking care of them, how your family members would make you feel like an outsider each time you did not do as they told you too or how when you always want them to come to your rescue you have to understand that they are not in a position to do that not to mention when they need your aid you’re supposed to avail yourself failure to do so brands you as ‘fake’. How about those partners of one night stand where you are expected to avail yourself to quench the thirst of your partner even though you may not be in the mood for it all the time.

Loving someone so much or caring for them can blind us into not seeing how much they drain us of our good energy. But it’s better to be alone than to be with someone or with people who only bring the worst in you.
So how about we start normalizing cutting people off when we realize that they are of no good to our being whether your soulmate, best friend or closest relative, let’s normalize standing up for ourselves and saying NO or YES without any fear or explanation, let’s normalize speaking our minds whenever we feel like something or someone is disturbing our peace, let’s normalize mental health by being cautious on how other people treat us, let’s normalize being selfish with ourselves by not giving every Tom, Dick and Harry or every Sarah, Mary and Jane, whatever that works for you, access to our energy, let’s normalize choosing peace of mind over toxic partners, friends and family. Let’s normalize Serenity!