Every lady loves to look put together. She likes to be seen as if she has put much thought into her clothing, even though that might not necessarily be the case. She needs to look well-appointed and expensive. It’s not about putting on a Gucci skirt or having a Channel bag to look well-dressed. Today, we get to acquire tips and tricks that can be applied on everyday look without putting much draining in the pocket.


Dressing your body is the best advice anyone can contribute. There is a reason why certain clothing items look better on you. Based on your body contour, an outfit will highlight your body at the factual places. It is important to know whether you are an hourglass shaped lady so that you can wear outfits that highlight your waist. A lady with the inverted triangle shape, will look her finest when she wears outfits that draw her away from her far-reaching shoulders. For a banana shaped lady, outfits that create an illusion of a more defined waist will make you look like a million bucks. Pear shaped ladies should put more emphasis on their upper body by wearing exiting colors. For a rectangle shaped body, you should devote more on belts so that you can define your waist. Spoon shaped ladies bring more attention to their waist. The diamond shaped lady should wear bottoms that lengthens her body. Every lady with a circle body shape, should bring attention to her best areas by wearing empire dresses to define the narrowest part of the upper body hence camouflaging the stomach area.


We, daughters of eve, are considered to be irrational buyers. Meaning we buy items not for the reason that we need them but because we want them. It is tempting for any girl to purchase an outfit just because it’s on sale without considering whether you will end up wearing it and the times you will wear. It is then, important to consider the cost per wear before making a purchase. This is by calculating the price of the outfit divided by the times that you plot on wearing it. Only buy clothes that you will actually wear. You should also put into thought how you spend your time so that you can purchase for attires that you will often wear.


Adding small details to your look elevates your style. It is important to match your metals with your clothing. When you know the outfit you plan on wearing is conspicuous, it’s best you match it with metals that are silent and the vice versa. Wear earrings that match your bracelet and a necklace that goes well with your ring or any alternative metal you might be Wearing.Three or Four things in one look is just too much and you don’t want to draw too much attention from your attire, do you?


Monochromic is a life style that brings one shade into an outfit. Having one color into your outfit makes you look exclusive and elegant and it’s convenient for any occasion. Mixing different textures and fabrications adds interest and features to your clothing. Wearing bold or bright colors is daring but dressing in the same shade is easier and infact, it will still give you a stylish effect. No matter what color you use, if you mix shades and tint of that color, it will work perfectly for any event. This brilliant appearance can also make you look slimmer and taller.


They said the best one is protected for last, so here we go. Don’t show too much skin. Social media can deceive you. Seeing a celebrity showing too much of her skin could make you think that it’s probably the best way to go. That is part of her job but for you, wearing clothes should not only look comfortable but also be comfortable to you. What’s the use of wearing something that you will have to pull down every time just because you saw the garment looked good on a celebrity? We are taught to embrace our bodies. Most women misuse this by putting on attires that she probably saw that looked good on a certain girl she admires at the office. The sad truth is that our bodies are different and what Gita looks good in might not fit Immaculate. A little bit of mystery is good for everyone. This gives you a more classic look. Wearing clothes that hug your skin is a terrible idea since it doesn’t highlight your body shape.

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