MONALISA: Chapter 01
“….Monalisa, right?”
“Yes ma’m” She replied.
My clock was ticking, two minutes to bank’s closure and microseconds to be served, just after her. But then I had choices-not a choice, to be served, which meant to let her go or to follow her as she left the bank, or not to be served all together (Sorry, I just had to split an option into two), and as the saying goes, the majority rule wins. In my right senses, I went for the two choices and realized that I didn’t even have an option after all. Calling her by name, she looked back hastily, her sexy sleepy eyes focusing on the random stranger who dared call her on the streets, like a superstar, she waved and smiled back, a smile that left a scar, a beautiful scar on my left rib.

I never believed in love at first sight before, nay! But here I am feeling scintilla of affections towards an imaginary lover but a crush in real life, two months now and I’m back at this same point where she vanished not to be seen again. The street that showed love on a beautiful evening, the same street that accommodated a beauty queen for a while. My eyes fixed on three places; the bank, where I first saw her, hoping that she’ll make another transaction soon and that’s why I’m always praying for her success moneywise. The second place being where she stopped, looked back and gave me the cutest smile ever, maybe she’d left a hologram for me, to see an image of her any time that I visit here, and third, the city clock because I am no time keeper, I’d not want to fall a victim of the Pharisees so I got to maintain curfew time.

I am not a city planner nor a developer but in my next life I want to be an architect and design the street afresh, paint her image, and name it after her. I’d plant roses all over the street. If I had wish, it would be to wake up one morning to her fragrance, and watch her give life to the surrounding, I bet butterflies would love her and make their way out of my belly.

Were it not for the car that hit me gently to the ground, I could have followed her, just can’t recall how it happened so fast and how fascinating her smile was that I didn’t observe the traffic lights, I thought I did but I was wrong, I confused red for green, just like love is blind I was color blind, lost a rib that left a scar-a beautiful one, hopefully, will meet my rib someday, she was right here before me two months, just before I found myself in the hospital. Our love story would briefly end but no, maybe it’s the beginning.