Twice the happiness, thrice the loneliness.
Tomorrow will be better, is the hope we hang on to when our current situation pins us to the concrete ground where we started.
When things seems to be working out well you should brace yourself for the worst is yet to come.
When you’re flying high with the cranes and the blue birds, you should be ready for the mighty fall.
We were young and gullible and ready to venture and try out new things but the universe has a way of out doing us.
Now our circles are getting smaller, we no longer trust like we used to.
Our minds have been opened, we no longer love like we wanted.
Our mistakes became our stepping stone, our flaws are now our secret strength.
We rise from the ashes of our burnt souls.
We built our selves from scratch.
We grow knowing that it can all be brought down in a blink of an eye and we will be back where we started.