Gone are the days when we had to open the doors, pull chairs, call them sweet names after every sentence and use the hackneyed line, “ladies first.”

We are in the 21st Century, the digital era, where being a gentleman means sending fare? Taking them to expensive dates? Buying them fancy gifts and flashy presents? Maybe am just mistaken, folks!

I am wired to believe being a gentleman grows from within. It’s a character, not a behaviour. It’s the whole concept of how you carry yourself around people, and how you treat other people. Not only ladies.

When it comes to matters of the heart, men tend to fodge a demeanor that depicts their self-entitlement to open doors, to pull chairs, to pay bills; generally, to own the show. I have met ladies who enjoy the vibe of being independent. I have met that other troupe of ladies who hate the kind acts of gentlemanship. They’d rather split the bills, they’d rather bang the door open by themselves, they’d, actually, rather pay your uber to her place other than her coming to your place. Am not even talking of cougars here, boy!

See, how you treat her will determine her reciprocal of her love towards you. There are those that love the gangster kinda love. There are those that love the Shakespeare kinda love. And…there are those that are mirrors; you show them love, they show it back, you show them cruelty, they give the same measure.

21st Century needs only 3 major tactics to win her heart. Attention, Time and Physical Touch.

Give her attention. Factly, ladies love attention. So much. So much, I say.

Invest in your time together. Get to know her well. Get to know how she responds to certain actions. Talk, bond, be concerned and give full ATTENTION.

Physical touch is, scientifically, believed to strengthen bonds. Appropriate physical touch will win you awards in her heart. Pay attention to details. Know the buttons to press when having that good time together.

Before my last fullstop, gentlemen, buy them food.

Mr. Ogonji is a highly professional and talented journalist with a solid experience in covering compelling stories, reporting facts, and engaging audiences. He is driven to uncover the truth behind today's most pressing issues and share stories that make a genuine impact.

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