Its a weekend!
People are all dressed and are on party mood the whole day just waiting to go and have fun once the sun goes down..
You, a typical college student, broke no bundles for the night and bored.
Questions start cuddling and making babies in your head,”why is my life like this?”
You feel broken.
But I have a quick question for you…
If you cut a ksh 1000 note into two, is it still a thousand shillings? Some would say that the note is worthless. Others would quickly tape it up and try buying something with it at the nearest shop. But again lets imagine you want to buy a car of about 2 million, and you’ve saved 1 999 000 and that could mean that you need just a 1000 note to get yourself that car, wouldn’t you tape up the one that’s cut?

My answer to the question is this. When the person who made the note was making it he made a value and worth for it. He said the note will be a ksh1000 note. Whether you cut it or not the value won’t come down.
Let the 1000 note to represent you today. I want you know that you have been made, you have been prepared, out of whatever you are going through, out of all your pain, out of your sorrow, out of your state of depression.
Challenge that critical inner voice and stop comparing yourself to others, you can begin to get a feeling for your own self value. By pursuing activities that are meaningful to you and acting in line with your own personal beliefs, you can develop your sense of yourself as a worthwhile person.

Every rough patch in your life is your preparation to greatness. You could be cut but you can be taped back together because your worth will not change, your partner, your calling, your destiny is intact. There’s still a lot of value any broken person holds. Tape up, you’ll see!