There is a dream and a wish. I would rather live a dream than a wish Martin Luther :I have a dream, Barrack Obama’s slogan “Yes we can.” This are all dreams, as dreams can came true and wishes do just remain wishes. I am sure you look back and are fascinated that you in actual sense did make it that far.
well, I do fill the same but I did realize that life is too short .Of course we hear this each day, truth be told there are four phases to life: 0-20}first phase 20-40} second phase adulthood/youth 40-60} adulthood 60-80} old age – this is basically the total to the human being life span of which one will experience the quota life crisis, the midlife crisis; So what is left of the rest?
Am thinking this is something we need to tackle in phases. But first let me give you the overview. There is no particular age to which one ought to have achieved something .If one keeps to the societal pressure then most definitely one gets overwhelmed by twenty one , ought to be a straightA
student, by thirty be married, by forty have to stoop to what the society demands? Whatever the case you will always have a flaw.
The judgmental mindset will always be there. It is for you to overlook it. Do things your way. Do what makes you happy, satisfied life is better than successful life because others measure our success. However, our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind and heart.
It is not okay to settle less or be mediocre but only you knows what you want for yourself, I have friends who are already married at twenty and are very happy and at the same time I have friends who are already investing and those at their forties and have no plans to get married .As I always put it to each their own .
Living the reality is heard but the moment you learn to separate yourself from their expectation then you learn to truly establish the you .You aren’t in in competition with no one just because a friend is getting way ahead in life ; that’s them wish them well , you have a different life to lead.
Embrace your personality :enjoy the good food, good health , good music, nice drinks basically the best that life has to offer, do not get too caught up in trying to be who you are not in chasing dreams which only give you headaches and sleepless nights. Go for what makes the you happy no matter what phase of life you are at do not beat yourself up with what the society expects, go with your own pace and you will find yourself prospering. Take it a day at a time. Chase your own dream not someone else’s expectations of you .Living your own life. Mind your own business and you will find that life treats you to great surprises.
Be your own person, live your own dreams.