Lifestyle and Adventures: Ann Kihara Shares her vlogging experience
She has mastered the art of showing her viewers what they like and documenting adventures that will make them glued to her channel. Her content on YouTube explores the social lifestyle and adventures that any 20-something year old can engage in. She’s also done videos of social arenas where you can get nothing else but fun, and lot’s of it, such as The hub that’s in Karen and Two Rivers Mall.
In this interview, Ann Kihara shares a glimpse of when she started her YouTube journey, what inspired her, whom she looks up to and a lot more.
Tell us briefly about yourself
My Name is Ann Kihara from Nakuru City, aged 22. I school at The Kabete National Polytechnic pursuing Diploma in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).
When did you start your YouTube channel?
I started my YouTube channel in January this year (2021).
What inspired you to start your channel?
My inspiration to start my Adventure and Lifestyle channel is that one, I Love adventures and wanted to share all my life updates to most of the youth out there. I also envisioned to encourage them and show them that nothing is impossible through God. I got motivated by my role model who’s also a Youtuber.
Who is this role model YouTuber?
Wabosha Maxine. She is one of my favorite YouTuber that I look up to.
Apart from YouTube, what else do you do?
Apart from YouTube I am also a student. I juggle the two.
Which YouTuber would you like to collaborate with?
I’d like to Collaborate with Wabosha Maxine, Kush Tracey and Mungai Eve.
What are some of the challenges that you face while vlogging?
The biggest Challenge is when you’re prohibited to shoot some videos from certain places such as malls. Especially when you’ve gone to places where you’re new to the environment. Another challenge is accessing best Vlogging equipments E.g Camera, microphone, stand and such.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I see myself being amongst the best vloggers on YouTube, not only in having fun but also in encouraging my fellow Youths. I also see myself having have achieved and accomplished my Goals.
What’s one thing that people don’t know about you?
There’s alot of things that people don’t know about me mainly because what I share about my life is just a hint of what I want them to know.
If you had one advice to give to an aspiring YouTuber, what would it be?
I’d advise them to Start off immediately and be consistent on it. Start as low as they’re (with what they have) and be positive.
Subscribe to Ann Kihara’s YouTube channel here