Meet Lavigne Maruti who, a youtuber and owner of a cleaning company. she shares with us how she started out and how she paints her success.

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Annette Maruti.I’m a content creator and a professional writer.

When did you start Youtubing?

I started creating content back in 2018.After a short period of content creation i went for a long break and came back to the YouTube space early last year.

What was your biggest challenge when you started off your channel?

Consistency and coming up with content were some of the challenges i experienced when starting.In addition to that, i found it really hard vlogging in public owing to the stares i got from people.However,i’ve gotten used to it with time.

You have unique content on your channel, what inspired you to focus on real estate?

There was this time i was house hunting and i wished that there was a much simpler way of getting a house without much hassle. Immediately the idea of creating content surrounding real estate clicked and in a weeks time my 1st video was up. Since then i’ve been creating more content on real estate.

You also do travel and lifestyle vlogs, how do you manage to balance the contents?

Before the week commences, i normally write down every task i’m to do during the week.I come up with a schedule and this helps me get 90% of work done in turn balancing my content.However, with the current travel restrictions, i have been doing more of real estate vlogs.

Do you at times feel like giving up on YouTube?

I used to feel that before but this year i’ve been on a whole new energy owing to my growing audience that i’m thankful for.

What motivates you to keep on uploading videos?

The fact that i have my fans interacting and watching my content motivates me to create more and better videos.Also, i like providing information that people might find important and this has even made me establish personal bonds with some of my subscribers.

Whom do you look up to?

I look up to Olive Gacara.She’s one phenomenal go getter business lady that i pretty much admire.

Apart from YouTube, what else do you do?

I’m a professional article writer and business lady.I have a cleaning business ( we provide cleaning and landscaping services to commercial,industrial and residential properties.

What’s the worst myth you have ever heard about YouTube?

The worst myth I’ve heard about youtube is that more subscriber count is equivalent to higher rankings more so in terms of views and engagement.

Partying shot

Be afraid and do it anyway.Many people are afraid to start out on something and end up missing on bigger opportunities that would come their way afterwards. Same applies to me, i was afraid to start a youtube channel simply because i thought that i needed to have high quality videos while that’s not normally the case.Be it youtube, business or any other venture one is aspiring to dive into, he or she should face the fears and do it anyway.

Social media handles

YouTube- Lavigne Maruti

Instagram -Lavignemaruti

Facebook -Lavigne Maruti

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