There are ladies who have taken up their responsibility and kept the child they are expecting yet they are in school. Becoming a mother is such a beautiful thing as a child is a blessing. However, what of those who did not expect to have a child yet they have to come to terms with the situation?
Luckily for a friend of mine she had such a great support system and was able to deal with the situation and is raising the child right and still pursuing her education. For many ladies in campus upon getting a child, informing the father becomes a task let alone breaking the news to the parents. Unfortunately, for some the father to the child may bluntly reject the pregnancy. As a lady in such a situation, you learn to stand up strong as you have an added responsibility that you have to own up to all on your own.
Coming to terms with the reality hence accepting the situation as it is, is one of the most important things though very difficult , it helps one take care of herself and the bundle of joy she is carrying. It is no longer business as usual for the lady as she has to stand up for her child. This begins from the day she gets the information that she is pregnant. If it is the life of partying she will have to give up to ensure the safety of the baby, the late nights, she has to eat well and also go for her clinical check ups to ensure the child’s growth is progressing smoothly, she is not only a student but also a mother.

Stigma is there especially for a campus lady who is pregnant,the world can be mean at times . Going to classes may become a task but it depends with how one takes it, people will always have something to say, as the lady you no longer think of yourself but the baby as well. why do we not make things easier for our fellows, instead of bad mouthing or talking ill of the individual, be nice, be kind, say hi, it makes there days easier.To those individuals with the habit of staring, kindly do note that it is rude to stare.
Some parents kick their kids out, I have had of cases where the daughter is disowned by the parents. Carrying a baby in your womb for nine months is not easy,there are individuals who get varicose veins due to the weight of the pregnancy and many other complications that come with the pregnancy. When the baby starts to show it is even heavier to bear as walking becomes difficult for some the cravings are so intense yet for an upbeat comrade it is hard to afford some items. One is in their early twenties or even not yet twenty yet one has to wear maternity clothes, it is really psychologically nerve recking it is even scary for some to walk in public but stll one has to push on and face the challenges head strong cause the lady is strong. Talk of morning sickness! Change in appearance, taking suppliments for the childs well being,mood swings.
The process of being in labour is even more difficult but they bear it all for the reward is sweeter. Breastfeeding also comes with its own package of difficulties such as cracking of the nipples, hardening of the breasts, some have their hairline falling back due to some hormones produced during lactations. Yet the ladies choose to put their interest aside and fully care for the child.

Thought a sensitive issue but some shared of how their own parents pushed them to have abortions but they refused, for some it was not an option but it remains a ghost they have to deal with every day. It is difficult to be young yet pregnant,yet pregnancies are but a calling of nature for a woman. The discussion to keep the baby is usually a tough one to make, from my research I would advise anyone in such a situation to keep the child. With every challenge comes a great opportunity do not choose the easy way out rather face the situation and most definitely doors will open for you no matter how tough the season may be coz however hard the sun may burn eventually the clouds will open and there shall be rains.
When the child arrives and it seems scary at first the thought of what will the child eat, what will he or she wear, will I be able to raise him? May click your mind, luckily with time everything falls into place.
With time one gets to understand just what the baby needs and provide efficiently, however it doesn’t end there.With a child comes expenses.Some individuals who do not get support from their parents have to figure out a way to provide some may put their studies on hold,some may manage to provide for their child and still study.

Truth be told, these ladies who keep their kids and take full responsibility need to be respected. It ain’t easy for them and most definitely they have alot of emotions to deal with. They are forces to reckon with as they have found a new source of inspiration, they have a new reason to live. They have a different line of thinking all together, it is no longer just about them but their babies as well.
Let us learn to support one another,accord each individual the respect they deserve .So next time you walk across a lady who is to bring forth a lovely baby and the individual is still studying, be the mature person you are, smile and go about your own business, keep your opinion to yourself. Support everyone around you for so long as you are in a position to, it helps .
To all the strong ladies who are already mothers or expectant, thumbs up!!! for the strength you potray is most definitely incredible. Keep the child, for as ‘Sauti sol’and’Amos and Josh sing’ mtoto huja na sahani take.’ A child brings forth his own blessings.